Statement on No Votes for Genocide

While we respect the democratic decision of the National Political Committee, we are disappointed the majority voted against our proposal to support the No Votes for Genocide campaign emerging within the Uncommitted movement.

Our hearts are with No Votes for Genocide because it is a concrete, nationwide mass movement for the most important demands in the Workers Deserve More program—an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an arms embargo against Israel, and the sovereignty of the Palestinian people. Using votes in the General Election as leverage, it aims to mobilize the Democratic Party’s left-wing base against the party itself, winning an end to the genocide.

We reject the argument, put forward by some comrades, that this campaign is disorganizing for DSA. We see our comrades across the country uniting to build this movement and build momentum in working-class and Arab communities. For our program to have meaning, we must engage with live movements for our demands inside and outside of DSA. Our power is in the working-class—but to realize it, socialists must provide a pulpit and organization to sustain their activity. When a working class movement rises to force the Democrats to end their support for a genocide, socialists must be on their side to the end. Instead, a majority of the NPC decided to resign this potential power.

To the organizers leading the movement on the ground, know that many DSA members are still with you until the end, with or without the support of the NPC. This is a movement that will do more to realize Workers Deserve More than any statement or speech. We call on chapters to continue launching No Votes for Genocide campaigns and to bring our demands into workplaces and unions, faith communities and neighborhoods, to the ballot and to the streets. History will vindicate No Votes for Genocide and Palestine will be free.


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