Public Statements

  1. Perspectives Document (November 2023)

  2. Statement on Trans Liberation (February 2023)

  3. Labor Strategy Position Paper (February 2023)

  4. Perspectives Document (August 2022) 

  5. Beyond Bowman, Towards Electoral Discipline (December 2021)

Archive of MUG’s Public Bulletins

MUG’s editorial team publishes a monthly bulletin containing articles, reports, and announcements from our caucus. Please sign up to receive the bulletin in your email. All of the bulletins can be viewed in this public folder.

Internal Resolutions

  1. Recruitment, Onboarding, and Internal Development (November 2023)

  2. Establish a Draft Program Committee (November 2023)

  3. MUG Organizing Guide (November 2023)

  4. Democratic Agitation (November 2023)

  5. Building a MUG Foothold (November 2023)

  6. Making the MUG Reader Accessible (November 2023)

  7. Resolution on the Railroad Workers Strike-Breaking Vote and Electoral Accountability (February 2023)

  8. Resolution on Local Cells (August 2022)

  9. Resolution on MUG Member Time Commitments (August 2022)

  10. Resolution on Dues (August 2022)

  11. Resolution on Central Committee Size (August 2022)

  12. Resolution to Create a Labor Strategy Committee (August 2022)

  13. Resolution to Create a Recruitment and Onboarding Committee (August 2022)